epic black metal
Albums scraped2021-12-03T09:39:13.861Z
Last updated2021-12-03T20:05:05.916Z
Released at
56Summoning - Lugburz1995-03-20
29Bal-Sagoth - A Black Moon Broods Over Lemuria1995-05-14
2Summoning - Minas Morgul1995-10-16
91Crown of Autumn - Ruins1996-01
77Godkiller - The Rebirth of the Middle Ages1996-10-29
98Osgiliath - Ainulindalë1996
9Summoning - Dol Guldur1997-01
48Moonblood - Blut & Krieg1997-03
11Summoning - Nightshade Forests1997-06-03
39Arathorn - ...niemals kroenender als was einst war1997
40Arathorn - Niemals Kroenender Als Was Einst War1997
83Parnassus - Let The Stars Fall And The Kingdom Come1997
84Osgiliath - L'Ombre Du Passé1997
33Enid - Nachtgedanken1998-10
46Bal-Sagoth - Battle Magic1998-11-02
87Valar - The Arrival Of The Dragonlord1998
5Summoning - Stronghold1999-05-11
13Stormlord - Supreme Art of War1999-08
12Bal-Sagoth - The Power Cosmic1999-10-11
36Mayhemic Truth - In Memoriam1999
76Fiendish Nymph - Aenaon1999
22Bal-Sagoth - Atlantis Ascendant2001-04-17
72Enid - Der Tag Zur Nacht Sich Senkt...2001-06-00
8Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame2001-11-05
7Stormlord - At The Gates Of Utopia2001-11-23
14Stormlord - The Curse Of Medusa2001
74Oath of Cirion - Dragonmagick2001
95Dagorlad - The End of The Dark Ages2002-03-25
30Morrigan - Enter the Sea of Flames2002-04
47Apotheosis - Farthest from the Sun2002-07-23
26Nazgûl - De Expugnatione Elfmuth2002-11-17
86Great Vast Forest - Battletales and Songs of Steel2002
16Summoning - Lost Tales2003-03-03
100Rivendell - Elven Tears2003-04-28
17Fanisk - Noontide2003-06-03
25Morrigan - Celts2003-12
23Stormlord - The Gorgon Cult2004-02-25
70Nocternity - A Fallen Unicorn2004-11-12
64Mystic Shadows - ...Over Old Hills2004
71Bestia - Hallutsinatsioon2004
54Andras - ...Of Old Wisdom2005-05-09
68Misantropical Painforest - Winds Saturate With Inhumane Longing2005-06-28
82Bal-Sagoth - The Chthonic Chronicles2006-03-10
1Summoning - Oath Bound2006-03-31
92AysenluR - Call To Arms2006-04-20
55Kinstrife & Blood - On Paths Long Forgotten2006-07-25
79Elffor - Unblessed Woods2006
61Darkestrah - Epos2007-01-23
34Valfeanor - En Ny Tid2007-09
20L'Ordre du Temple - In Hoc Signo Vinces2007-11-03
44Dagorlad - Herald Of Doom2008-01-06
21Stormlord - Mare Nostrum2008-05-23
78Darkspace - Darkspace III2008-05-30
65Keep of Kalessin - Kolossus2008-06-06
69Darkestrah - The Great Silk Road2008-08-31
96Giamon - The Old Buried Memories2008-11
99Mirkwood - Demo2008
60Baal Zebuth - Unholy Baal Zebuth2009-02
73Nokturnal Mortum - Голос Сталі2009-12-26
94Dornenreich - Flammentriebe2011-02-11
50Malevolentia - Ex Oblivion2011-03-01
51Zgard - Reclusion2012-01-30
97Tal'Set - La Via del Guerriero2012-04-04
15Xanthochroid - Blessed He With Boils2012-12-21
27Taranis - Kingdom2012
19Emyn Muil - Túrin Turambar Dagnir Glaurunga2013-01-00
24Fanisk - Insularum2013-01-13
38EORONT - Neverending Journey2013-02-07
4Caladan Brood - Echoes of Battle2013-02-15
90Black Jade - The Prophecy of the North2013-06-01
10Summoning - Old Mornings Dawn2013-06-07
57Utstøtt - Legender Odin2013-07-02
37Ered Wethrin - Tides of War2014-02-05
35Ahamkara - The Embers Of The Stars2014-02-10
32Macabre Omen - Gods Of War - At War2015-02-20
53Utstøtt - Hjørungavågr2015-02-20
52Moongates Guardian - .​.​.​And In The Glade a Light Was Seen2015-03-01
43Mirkwood - Mirkwood2015-12-22
85Images At Twilight - Kings2015
93Mooncitadel - As Nightwind Embraced And The Shadows Caressed2016-03-06
67Sojourner - Empires Of Ash2016-06-13
41Cult of Fire - Life, Sex and Death2016-10
6Saor - Guardians2016-11-11
58Forlorn Citadel - Dusk2017-04-15
31Havukruunu - Kelle Surut Soi2017-04-29
63Nokturnal Mortum - Істина2017-05-08
18Emyn Muil - Elenion Ancalima2017-05-26
81EORONT - Another Realm2017-06-16
3Summoning - With Doom We Come2018-01-05
28Bloodbark - Bonebranches2018-01-05
88Sojourner - The Shadowed Road2018-03-08
59Forlorn Citadel - Songs of Mourning2018-03-20
62Dwarrowdelf - The Sons of Fëanor2018-04-30
45Untamed Land - Between the Winds2018-09-14
75Summoning - As Echoes From The World Of Old2018
42Belore - Journey Through Mountains and Valleys2020-01-24
80Firienholt - The Crownless2020-07-12
89Ages - Uncrown2020-08-21
49Sorcier Des Glaces - Un Monde de Glace et de Sang2020-10-30
66Withered Land - The Endless Journey2021-09-10